Learning outside the classroom – enhancement by cultural and democratic experiences (Erasmus+ 2019-2022)

Today’s education is mostly theoratical and strongly connected to the curriculum. But learning outside the classroom provides a great potential. Gaining experiences and making history alive and interactive are in the focus of learning outside the classroom.

This project includes four different arms or rather activities, which are mainly based on regional history and culture.

The project`s basic idea is to support the pupil`s advancement of cultural and democratic qualifications.  

The intention is getting to know specifications of each region and therby developing a feeling of the participating country`s history and culture. This can be achieved through the intensive contact among the pupils themselves but especially through visiting the historical places and feel the spirit oft he past.

One further aim is the work on and with museumseducation, commemorative culture, the past`s politics as well as it`s history. Thereby it is very important to include the former context.

In addition to this the student groups develop qualifications in a self-determinet association with digital media. They are going to designing a Guide about the topic „Learning outside the classroom“. This Guide should be available as a print product as well as an e-book.

This project serves as an example and illustrates the basic information about „learning outside the classroom“ and shows possibilities of different ways of learning.  

The gained information can be used by other teachers as a fundament for further projects or as an input for owen ideas.

Moreover the guide can be used as an additional element during classes.

The guide`s additional value is giving authentic and experienced history to following classes.

In this connection it is not only the regional-european history that is in focus but also the development of historical culture.

All together there are four participating schools in this project:

Germany (Aldegrever-Gymnasium)

Greece (General High School of Chrysoupolis)

Italy (Istitutio di istruzione superiore „Giacomo Leopardi“)

Lithuania (Eitminiskiu gimnazija)

This means that there are 24 pupils at the age of 15 to 17 years who are going to work on the project.

End of project: Learning outside the classroom

After three years, our English language Erasmus+ project „Learning outside the classroom“ has come to an end. We at the Alde, especially our students, were able to train their English, get to know different regions of Europe and their culture, history and economy, and also make new European contacts and friendships in Greece, Italy and Lithuania. A complete success!

During the project, the participants dealt with the remembrance and commemoration of the victims of National Socialist terror at the Wewelsburg, got to know the tobacco industry, which is economically and socially important for the region of Thrace, dealt with the history of Lithuania as a nation state from its founding to the present day and sniffed the salty smell of the sea in San Benedetto del Tronto in Italy. Life with and by the sea has shaped the city and its inhabitants since Roman times.

Learning about all this, unfortunately partly only digitally due to Corona, was the basis for the creation of a handbook for extracurricular learning. The result is a versatile and colourful script that can offer suggestions for further work in schools. (see link)

We are already looking forward to a new project with European partners.

Website of our greek partner: https://blogs.sch.gr/lykchrys/archives/3844